Fun With Frost!

“Occam’s Razor (The Road Most Taken)”

Two roads forked in a golden forest.

And of course, physics proving

One cannot at once be in two locations,

I stared up and down in my confusion,

Admitting to the wood’s whispering chorus

That I had no idea where I was going.

“You’re lost,” said she, looking rather coy.

“I am not,” I say with a smirk.

“North is that way,

If you check the moss upon that birch.”

So I ventured left with much courage,

Satisfied in my quick thinking and primordial knowledge.

But she, stubborn as a knotted root

Decided on the other.

For in her mind, the grass was springy

And would not muddy up the boot.

“And besides,” said she,

“On my path the weather is fairer.”

I shall be telling this with some dismay,

For an ancient instinct failed that day.

Whereas she traversed steadfast in her persistence

And made it home to a glass of warm liqueur

I stumbled under the stormy skies of October

Down the path of most resistance.


This pen I hold is awful sore
At all the things I use it for
It wants, of course, to be a part
Of some fantastic work of art
Intently, exactly, dutifully made
To dance across a virgin page
Laying down its lines and arcs
To illuminate the light with dark

But, alas, I’m sad to say
It saw no purpose in today
In making lists and signing checks
This instrument was never flexed
The ink it spilled was martyred, thus
Without a cause, with no purpose
This human realm sure takes its toll
On me
My pen
Its liquid soul
